What is a mobile dog gym?
A mobile dog gym makes it easy to give you and your dog the best life! Unleash your guilt of not getting your dog out. Our mobile dog gym brings physical and mental enrichment to you. Your dog is safely harnessed to our state-of-the-industry dog treadmill (aka slatmill) where your dog sets the pace and controls the treadmill. From a walk to a trot to a sprint....
Check out these first time runs at the annual GoldenStock 2024
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Because You're a Pawsome Pet Parent!
Safety: One of the meanings behind the Norse word "helsi" is a safe place. The controlled environment is great for high-energy dogs, sport dogs, older dogs, special needs dogs, and almost all dogs! You don't have to worry about the following:
Other dogs, pets, and wild animals, including those unpredictable human ones (wink)
Accidentally stepping into a hole
(those darn gophers have a hidden network throughout Montana!) -
Hot asphalt/cement or any ground surface
Nature's elements: Blizzards, smokey air, rain, excessive cold / heat
Health: This is not only excellent physically for your pooch, it's also provides mental enrichment, making for a happy and healthy pet (and pet person!) for your dog's best life.
Convenience: Our mobile dog gym comes to you. The Helsi DOG Mobile Gym van braves *most* elements to bring this physical and mental enrichment experience to your beloved canine.
*On rare occasions, our Montana conditions are too extreme to safely drive.*

Helsi DOG Mobile Gym is owned by Matthew DeFries, a certified dog trainer and volunteer at the local humane society. His wife and daughter love dogs and are excited to help out too.
Check out Helsi DOG on NBC Montana and the Daily Interlake!